Spatial Planning for Disruptive Times

Spatial Planning for Disruptive Times

Course type: lecture, project
Course tutors: Krzysztof Nazar

ASK course

Status: obligatory Course level: advanced
Course Code: ASK3-P-Sp ETCS: 4
Expected own workload: 40 Proj/lab/semin hours: 40
Lecture hours: 10

General description

The course will first present different change processes that cities and territories are expecting to face in the short-mid future. Some of these changes are disruptive, others are strong phases of longer processes of change:

  • Climate Change
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Internet of Things
  • Global Tourism
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data

Production and Consumption changes

In groups of 2 or 3 people, the students will first be required to make a lecture or presentation of one of these topics, in order for them to research and think about the possible urban and territorial transformations that these processes of change may bring.

Then, each year, the main design project will revolve around one topic, the first being the Autonomous Vehicle. The case study will be Warsaw, where the students will work on a redevelopment project for new a mix-use neighbourhood. First of all, an urban and territorial analysis will be required, including analysis of transportation, demography, economics, natural environment and life-cycle, and foreseeing the changes that the implementation of the Autonomous Vehicle (AV) could cause. Afterwards, the students will develop an urban design project, with special emphasis on the multi-scalar typological and morphological aspects that the AV may transform, such as the parking, the street, the intersection, the city, the highway and the territory.