existing multi level infrastructure is covered by light, semi transparent roof that unite the space, lets the natural light in to the train staition warsaw_srodmiescie and at the same time protect from precipitation at plaza in front of the entrance to the metro_centrum the roof is designed to be flatter from it’s start at the metro_station and get more curved to it emphasis at the bicycle_station in plan it’s more straight from street side and park-facing part is curved.
create a bicycle station that would be a simbol of biking warsaw
bicucle station would be located in the most busy transportation hub: warsaw central station_warsaw srodmiescie_metro station centrum and would create the oppotunity to use bicycle as alternative means of transport
due to difficult transport conditions related to congestion of the main transport arteries: aleii jerozolimskiej and marszalkowskiej cycling specific implies the creation of appropriate infrastructure that would allow safe and comfortable biking process thus this design also tries to create infrastructure that will allow continus flow movement of bicycles and would connect easten and western parts of bicycle’s path
the bicycle_station allows not only to rent a bicycle but also provides with a parking slots for private ones as well as contain services inside: bicycles shop, cafe and workroom