Thesis Project, topic: „Use of Formalism in Urban Planning. Redevelopment of Former FSO Zeran Factory.”
The main objective of this work is to examine use of formal languages in urban planning. According to the presented thesis city can be described as a system of elements interrelated in an algorithm. This assumption is applied on the terrain of former FSO Żerań factory area. In the work problem of relocating heavy industry from cities and replacing it by other functions is discussed. Another topic described is lack of pedestrian access to the right bank of River Vistula between two bridges– Grota–Roweckiego and Gdański. The same issue concerns housing district Bródno, which is cut off from the waterfront.
In the first part of the thesis theories of Christopher Alexander and Kevin Lynch are discussed. Those concepts are the base of this master thesis, since both researchers were pioneers of algorithmic perception and shaping of urban space. What is more, there are historical examples of urban designs presented in reference to modern approaches towards urban design. All mentioned cases are important for further development of this work.
Second part of the thesis describes primary rules for developed algorithm. Grids, Streets, Blocks, Special Places, Landmarks as well as Green Spaces are mentioned as grounding elements of the design. Characteristics and interrelation of those elements are described. Theoretical statements of the procedure are presented here.
The following chapter gives explanations to the development of the project. At first Żerań area is analyzed. Its communication, spatial and morphological connection are examined in a large city scale. Also new trends, pros and cons of relocating of the industry are presented. According to those reflections valorization is to done and shape of the chosen site is explained. Elements and their case specific characteristics are presented as well as its impact on the interrelations.
Each change of the element or relation characteristics influences entire system. Therefore the project is developed as a whole, not fragmented. Because application of an algorithm has some technological constrains, sometimes the elements have to be evaluated. Those changes are presented and justified.