Knowledge Management in Architecture
Knowledge Management in Architecture
Course type: | Lectures and Seminars |
Course tutors: |
Krzysztof Koszewski Marek DÄ…browski |
ASK course
Status: | obligatory | Course level: | advanced |
Course Code: | ASK-KH-Km | ETCS: | 2 |
Expected own workload: | 17 | Proj/lab/semin hours: | 15 |
Lecture hours: | 15 |
General description of the course
The subject consists of a series of lectures and seminars. The lecturer provides basics of knowledge management in architecture in general and detailed range, regarding architectural heritage. Practical solutions for this area, are part of the seminar. Specific tasks regarding the description of historic buildings in the context usefulness for project activities are an exemplification of discussed issues. It also brings the subject of modern techniques application into heritage protection.
Studio topics

PKB 2010-2015
This course refers to Thesis project (DS4) each year.