Professional Ethics and Copyright Law

Professional Ethics and Copyright Law

Course type: lecture, design, exercise, seminar, laboratory, computer classes
Course tutors: Paweł Detko
Piotr Zawadzki

ASK course

Status: Obligatory Course level: advanced
Course Code: ASK2-KH-Ez ETCS: 1
Expected own workload: 13 Lecture hours: 10

General description

The course consists of a series of lectures discussing the issues of the ethics of the architectural profession as a basis for applying the Code of Professional Ethics of Architects in force in the Chamber of Architects and SARP, developed on the basis of the document of the Council of Architects of Europe / ACE / and in accordance with the International Standards of Professionalism in the Exercise of the Architect’s Profession and the UIA. Lectures also include the issues of organizing architects, entering professional life and difficulties occurring in the architect’s creative process. The lectures also contain a component related to copyright issues in the architect’s workshop