Techniques Integration

Techniques Integration

Course type: Lectures and Seminars
Course coordinator: Krystian Kwieciński
Course tutors: Krystian Kwieciński
Mateusz Płoszaj-Mazurek

ASK course

Status: obligatory Exam: yes
Course level: advanced Course Code: D6
ETCS: 2 Expected own workload: 16
Proj/lab/semin hours: 15 Lecture hours: 15

General description

The classes are designed to bring the participants closer to the aspects of integration of techniques in the field of architecture, urban planning and product design. The lecture includes the following thematic blocks:

Lecture 1 – Introduction to the subject of technology integration. Choosing the subject of student presentations (conference articles and examples of projects implemented using the discussed integration techniques in architecture).

Lecture 2 – Convergence or integration. Students’ presentations consultations.

Lecture 3 – Robotics as Mobility and as a Tool. Students’ presentations consultation.

Lecture 4 – Optimization – introduction. Students’ presentations part 1. Discussion.

Lecture 5 – Genetic Algorithms – theory and practice. Students’ presentations part 2. Discussion.

The seminar is intensive workshop block based on the content presented during the lectures. Seminar task combines with the Experimental Project 3, which uses the integration of architecture with robotics and digital fabrication. Students’ task is to create a multi-target optimisation strategy for a selected feature of the project using the genetic algorithm. Presentation should consist of the following material: the goal of optimization and its meaning; description of the adjustment function formula; description of the genotype and range of values ​​that particular genotype can reach; specification of the factor completing the optimization process; the most essential code fragments; object optimization progress – selected intermediate states together with the adjustment function value to the chosen optimization goal.

Studio topics

PKB 2010-2015

This course refers to Thesis project (DS4) each year.