Design Studio I (algorithmic processes)
Design Studio I (algorithmic processes)
Course type: | Project |
Course tutors: |
Jakub Szczęsny |
ASK course
Status: | obligatory | Course level: | advanced |
Course Code: | ASK-P-Ds1 | ETCS: | 9 |
Expected own workload: | 107 | Proj/lab/semin hours: | 100 |
General description of the course
The scope of the design task reiterates a simple functional scheme with which participants in engineering studies should be familiar (e.g. a small retail unit or residential building).
In the first phase of work, participants strive to write all conditions, input data, and idea components of the concept in a univocal manner. It is on their basis that they develop an algorithm guiding progress in the creative process (in line with information technology criteria). The preliminary design phase closes with the presentation of a theoretical procedural model (schematic diagram) that will serve in further work.
In the second design phase, the participants strive to implement successive elements of the algorithm as formulated. The process takes place in a traditional studio environment (assuming the algorithm does not assign a different solution). Should the creative process necessitate the modification of the previously assumed scheme, students note the reason and the scope of change to the initial schematic.
The final presentation encompasses the algorithm schematic diagram, notes covering introduced modifications, inclusive of interpretation, and spatial effects, inclusive of description.
Studio topics

Bajkowa Warszawa
After decades of car domination in Warsaw, it is time for us to focus on more sustainable and citizen-friendly means of transportation. We all suffer due to the marginalization of pedestrians, bicycles and public transport. It affects the city’s sprawling, unequal distribution of commerce, the lack of charm of public space and endless barriers in citizens’ everyday life.
Bicycle, because of its compactness and low exploration costs, is becoming important both in leisure and work commuting for many people. Yet the infrastructure provided for bikers in insufficient. Biking routes are few and discontinuous, especially in east-west direction, and they miss proper auxiliary functions.
Bike/owa Warszawa is a studio project, in which students proposed solutions to improve biking conditions in Warsaw at different scales: from wide urban analyses covering not only biking problem but city’s usability in general, to bridges connecting both sides of Vistula, to small interventions aimed to promote healthier and happier life with bicycle in it.
- Tube Lanes
- The Neighbourhood Bikepath Grid
- Connecting Bike Boxes
- Base analysis in urban scale
- Bike Station
Timber Studio 2012
TIMBER? This ASK studio will engage timber as modern design materiality of choice. Why timber? Can design and fabrication of the contemporary wood architecture be informed by the close examination of traditional wood building culture of the region? Those are among the key questions. For now they remain rhetorical, as it is your design that has to provide the answer. Lessons from past and design visions for future are to be considered as the part of „glocalization” discourse. Studio works is to be grounded in the rigorous design research, site visits and examination of contemporary design precedents. Use of CNC wood router in design modeling is expected as is creative engagement of engineered timber, information and eco technology. Studio architectural projects are to be situated in Hucuły region of Ukraine in East Carpathia mountains.