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Gate to the City: Płock – Stadium

Gate to the City: Płock – New Market Place

Gate to the City: Otwock – Train Station

Metamorphosis: Tetris

Adaptable structure in evolving city

Metamporphosis: Perma-structure

Metamorphosis: Multilevel park

Redevelopment of Former FSO Żerań Factory

Metamorphosis: The Modular Valley

Towards Post-industrial Architecture

Metamorphosis: exp_experimentalPatelnia

Metamorphosis: meta-synthesis

Metamorphosis: Urban Jungle

Góra Kalwaria: Downtown Rehabilitation

Góra Kalwaria: Central Densification

Góra Kalwaria: Railway Station Redevelopment

Piaseczno Green Network

Go Green in Piaseczno

Urban Development for Railway Station Area in Piaseczno

Architectural envelope solutions

Birdwatching Structure

Hybrid virtual and real world

Mixed use, High density, Urban Megastructure for Xi’an

Most Recreational

Rethinking Elevation/ Hybrid Mindscape

River Connector

Swimming Swimming Pools

experimental project and installation

Warsaw Rowing Centre


Design process diagram

Modular Light Cloud

Wawer Bridge

Gate Museum

Tube Lanes

City as a museum

Bridging the Gap

Gardens in a city center. Architecture in the service of alternative food production on the example of the Memorial Stadium site in Seattle

Chaos management – Urban development emerging from wastelands located in city centers. The area belonged to The Schindler Award Competition 2012 Bern, Switzerland.

Swarm intelligence algorithm in generation of architectural designs. Temporary multifunctional market hall

Space of creation. Digital fabrication laboratory as an extension of former F. Ramisch factory in the center of Łódź. Post-industrial buildings adaptation as a chance for creative growth.

ROBOstudio 2013 Rakushka

Decentralised shopping complex Marszałkowska
Reacting on degradation of downtown commercial and services structure. Master Thesis.

Thesis Project - 100 years of Faculty of Architecture

Cultural Centre as a reflection of the Country

Cellulose Brick Team 4

Base analysis in urban scale

Reebok Concept Store in Janki. Information as material for design.

Thesis Project- Robofarm

Craft Preservation Centre

Remodeling of social service building in Bern, in Switzerland and urban repair strategy for its souroundings.

Revitalisation of the historical residential ensembles in terms of the economy and conservation practice of todays Poland

VDS Brick Group 5

Warsaw Macrobiology

Void Connector

The evolution of architecture; Sustainability and environment in the context of urban and suburban Poland

Beach Hostel

VDS Brick Group 2

Application of computational tools in architectural design, based upon the terms of Land Art Generator Competition

Cellulose Brick Team 2

Timber Studio

VDS Brick Group 1

Timber Studio

Timber Studio

„Warszawa Stadion”

Active solar cells system for building envelope

At the crossing of the ages

ROBOTARIUM 2013 Group 1

ROBOTARIUM 2013 Group 2

Cellulose Brick Team 3

ROBOTARIUM 2013 Group 3

ROBOTARIUM 2013 Group 4

ROBOTARIUM 2013 Group 5

Cellulose Brick Team 1

Beach Hostel

Beach Hostel

VDS Brick Group 3

Beach Hostel

Beach Hostel

Beach Hostel

Beach Hostel

Beach Hostel

Beach Hostel

Bike Station

Bionic Timber Skate Park

Canal Market Crafts Trade

ROBOstudio 2013 City Carpet

ROBOstudio 2013 Disco Moto

ROBOstudio 2013 Fuzz-Ball

ROBOstudio 2013 Curtain

Caravel Museum



Chrono Hostel

Connecting Bike Boxes

Digital Library India

Dragon’s Tail

E12′ Tower, Fan zone info centre

Earth for biking


Gate Museum

Ghost fleet museum – inquisition revised

Gondola Transit Exchange

Green Mountains Residential

Heritage Museum

Historical Museum


Hostel Fontainhas

Local Craftmanship Workshop

Market in old Goa

Mid town train station

Mini Velodrome

Net wall habitat

New Typology for Courtyard Housing

New Water Gate

Old Goa- Bazaar of culture

Organization of chaos

Paper Mountain

Parking-UNIT for Goa

PLAY: invisible museum

Self Hostel

Social Habitat

Social Habitat

Social Habitat


Temporary Manipulation

The Neighbourhood Bikepath Grid

The possibilities of adapting the Warsaw fortifications to the new features, on example of Fort Mokotów

Timber Bus Station Canopy

Underground Crossing

Urban Chain

Urban Gardening in a dense city – implementation of the concept in Warsaw on example of Powiśle district.

Urban Sloth

Goa – wall motion shopping

Wandering Championships


The possibilities of adapting the Warsaw fortifications to the new features on the example of Fort Bema